09:00 - 17:00
展出日期:2010年5月28日~8月8日 10:00~17:00

國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館與國立台灣美術館共同策劃「後青春」青年藝術展。此展以國美館自94年起致力推動的「青年藝術作品購藏計畫」為選件基礎,從累集近500件青年藝術作品中,為了讓大眾瞭解青年藝術創作的發展與趨勢,精選出53位藝術家、72件作品,呈現青年藝術不同的世代觀點與詮釋語彙,也描繪台灣青年創作者的共有面貌。 本展以「後青春」為名,以35歲以下藝術工作者之創作為主。此世代族群已結束其青春期,進入青年期的高峰,並即將迎向壯年期,在人生的旅程中正處於一個重要的中介帶。策展概念的發想,緣於此時期的青年有些即將步入社會,有些已經進入社會,但對於是否繼續堅持創作,似乎都得在35歲以前作個決定。因此本展試圖探討青年藝術家面臨是否繼續創作的抉擇難題之「前」,他們的特殊創作歷程與表現特質。 此次展出藝術家包含多位參展或獲獎經歷豐富的藝術家,如曾參加威尼斯美術雙年展台灣館的余政達、郭奕臣,曾入圍台新藝術獎的蘇匯宇,曾獲或甫獲台北獎的黃薇.、周珠旺、陳萬仁、黃沛瀅、陶美羽等,剛獲高雄獎的王挺宇、吳其育等。另也有數位受矚目及令人期待的創作者如曾偉豪、王仲.、邱昭財、陳敬元、華建強、邱建仁等等。展出作品形式涵括平面繪畫、版畫、雕塑、裝置、錄像、新媒體等,希望藉此呈現青年藝術家多元的創作表現。 「後青春」5月2日已於國美館展畢,5月28日起移師至國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館展出,展期為5月28日至8月8日。 This exhibition explores the theme of “Post adolescence,” attempting to delineate the characteristics shared by artists 25-35 years of age, revealing their ways of creating arts and society’s influence on them. The highly motivated generation of younger artists demonstrates novel art works using special visual language of comics, aimless/purposeful cacophony of voices, or internet-based technological device. The works of those artists embody innovative and surreal themes, reflecting their generation characteristics—passionate yet rebellious—and presenting an alternative form of art in Taiwan. I would like to thank the NTMoFA for initiating the proposal of cooperation which enables the valuable event both in Taichung and Taipei. This exhibition also presents the achievements of “Young Artists’ Works Purchase and Collection Project”, which took NTMoFA years of efforts. The Post-adolescence exhibition starts by displaying the rebellious spirit of young people but is curated in different styles in these two cities. In this event, artists of the younger generation are invited to exchange thoughts, build connections and achieve a blissful success. Apart from demonstrating their unique common traits, the artists have contributed their skills and abilities to this exhibition, delivering an independent voice from young persons.
展出日期:2010年5月28日~8月8日 10:00~17:00

國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館與國立台灣美術館共同策劃「後青春」青年藝術展。此展以國美館自94年起致力推動的「青年藝術作品購藏計畫」為選件基礎,從累集近500件青年藝術作品中,為了讓大眾瞭解青年藝術創作的發展與趨勢,精選出53位藝術家、72件作品,呈現青年藝術不同的世代觀點與詮釋語彙,也描繪台灣青年創作者的共有面貌。 本展以「後青春」為名,以35歲以下藝術工作者之創作為主。此世代族群已結束其青春期,進入青年期的高峰,並即將迎向壯年期,在人生的旅程中正處於一個重要的中介帶。策展概念的發想,緣於此時期的青年有些即將步入社會,有些已經進入社會,但對於是否繼續堅持創作,似乎都得在35歲以前作個決定。因此本展試圖探討青年藝術家面臨是否繼續創作的抉擇難題之「前」,他們的特殊創作歷程與表現特質。 此次展出藝術家包含多位參展或獲獎經歷豐富的藝術家,如曾參加威尼斯美術雙年展台灣館的余政達、郭奕臣,曾入圍台新藝術獎的蘇匯宇,曾獲或甫獲台北獎的黃薇.、周珠旺、陳萬仁、黃沛瀅、陶美羽等,剛獲高雄獎的王挺宇、吳其育等。另也有數位受矚目及令人期待的創作者如曾偉豪、王仲.、邱昭財、陳敬元、華建強、邱建仁等等。展出作品形式涵括平面繪畫、版畫、雕塑、裝置、錄像、新媒體等,希望藉此呈現青年藝術家多元的創作表現。 「後青春」5月2日已於國美館展畢,5月28日起移師至國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館展出,展期為5月28日至8月8日。 This exhibition explores the theme of “Post adolescence,” attempting to delineate the characteristics shared by artists 25-35 years of age, revealing their ways of creating arts and society’s influence on them. The highly motivated generation of younger artists demonstrates novel art works using special visual language of comics, aimless/purposeful cacophony of voices, or internet-based technological device. The works of those artists embody innovative and surreal themes, reflecting their generation characteristics—passionate yet rebellious—and presenting an alternative form of art in Taiwan. I would like to thank the NTMoFA for initiating the proposal of cooperation which enables the valuable event both in Taichung and Taipei. This exhibition also presents the achievements of “Young Artists’ Works Purchase and Collection Project”, which took NTMoFA years of efforts. The Post-adolescence exhibition starts by displaying the rebellious spirit of young people but is curated in different styles in these two cities. In this event, artists of the younger generation are invited to exchange thoughts, build connections and achieve a blissful success. Apart from demonstrating their unique common traits, the artists have contributed their skills and abilities to this exhibition, delivering an independent voice from young persons.
繁中  /  EN
繁中 / EN