

「首爾乍現—白鉉眞初心展」《Until It All Disappears》(그것이 다 사라질 때까지)現場演出暨工作坊
公告日期 2023.11.23
活動日期 _ 2023.11.24~2023.12.02
活動費用 _ 免費
活動地點 _ 關渡美術館二樓展覽廳
《Until It All Disappears》(그것이 다 사라질 때까지)現場演出
開幕特別演出:11/24(五)17:40,《Until It All Disappears》在台首演。

Special Performance: 11/24 (Fri.) 17:40, 《Until It All Disappears》first performance in Taiwan.

Live performances: from 11/28 (Tue.) to 12/2 (Sat.), 5 consecutive days, two performances per day.
《Until It All Disappears》(그것이 다 사라질 때까지)現場演出
開幕特別演出:11/24(五)17:40,《Until It All Disappears》在台首演。

Special Performance: 11/24 (Fri.) 17:40, 《Until It All Disappears》first performance in Taiwan.

Live performances: from 11/28 (Tue.) to 12/2 (Sat.), 5 consecutive days, two performances per day.
《Until It All Disappears》(그것이 다 사라질 때까지)工作坊
11/29(三)、11/30(四),14:00,限額10名,現場登記。由藝術家Bek Hyunjin親自主持,報名者將可參與《Until It All Disappears》現場演出。

Workshops: 11/29 (Wed.), 11/30 (Thu.), 14:00. Number of applicants:10. Hosted by Bek Hyunjin himself. The applicants are welcome to participate in the 《Until It All Disappears》 live performance.

1. 想像自己是一頭因某種超自然現象,而被隨機棄置於地上的動物,並創造出自己的形態。
2. 想像自己是一套操作系統,假設拿著噴霧器的手是一個應用程式,但該應用程式出現缺陷且失控了,帶著這樣的想法噴水。


Performance《Until It All Disappears》
Performance Manual

1. Think of yourself as an animal randomly thrown to the ground due to some transcendent/natural phenomenon, and create your own form.
2. Think of yourself as the OS, assume that the hand holding the spray gun is an app, assume that the app is buggy and cannot be controlled, and spray water with that thought in mind.
3. If possible, perform the performance in a calm and calm manner.

For the workshop, participants only need to read this manual and act on their own.
《Until It All Disappears》(그것이 다 사라질 때까지)工作坊
11/29(三)、11/30(四),14:00,限額10名,現場登記。由藝術家Bek Hyunjin親自主持,報名者將可參與《Until It All Disappears》現場演出。

Workshops: 11/29 (Wed.), 11/30 (Thu.), 14:00. Number of applicants:10. Hosted by Bek Hyunjin himself. The applicants are welcome to participate in the 《Until It All Disappears》 live performance.

1. 想像自己是一頭因某種超自然現象,而被隨機棄置於地上的動物,並創造出自己的形態。
2. 想像自己是一套操作系統,假設拿著噴霧器的手是一個應用程式,但該應用程式出現缺陷且失控了,帶著這樣的想法噴水。


Performance《Until It All Disappears》
Performance Manual

1. Think of yourself as an animal randomly thrown to the ground due to some transcendent/natural phenomenon, and create your own form.
2. Think of yourself as the OS, assume that the hand holding the spray gun is an app, assume that the app is buggy and cannot be controlled, and spray water with that thought in mind.
3. If possible, perform the performance in a calm and calm manner.

For the workshop, participants only need to read this manual and act on their own.