Wandering in the Poetry
09:00 - 17:00
About this Exhibition Wandering in the Poetry: the 2nd NCAF Techno Art Creation Project presents this year’s five awardees. NCAF’s intent is to develop the entire visual arts field by encouraging talented domestic artists working with new technology and continue promoting technology art through collaborations between NCAF and the Taiwanese businesses that support the Techno Art Creation Project grant. While riding the current wave of technology art in Taiwan, and facing the pride or controversy that this has created, is there still a special or secret way for us to return to the original intent of art without losing its essential pursuit? This year’s five awardees—Tsai Wan-Shuen, Chang Po-Chih, Lin Jiun-Ting, Lin Chi-Wei and Wu Chi-Tsung—pursue their individual artistic concepts by utilizing and combining different technological media, equipment and software to present images, spaces and atmospheres that are each like modern technological poems. The fascinating content and interactive nature of each work draw the audience into the artist’s poetic environment, which contains stories, scenery, dreamscapes, deja vu or other visual phenomena. New media art is both futuristic and poetic, and in the same way that poetry is the crystallization of language, new media art embodies the spirit of contemporary art and affords the possibility of poetic wandering.
About this Exhibition Wandering in the Poetry: the 2nd NCAF Techno Art Creation Project presents this year’s five awardees. NCAF’s intent is to develop the entire visual arts field by encouraging talented domestic artists working with new technology and continue promoting technology art through collaborations between NCAF and the Taiwanese businesses that support the Techno Art Creation Project grant. While riding the current wave of technology art in Taiwan, and facing the pride or controversy that this has created, is there still a special or secret way for us to return to the original intent of art without losing its essential pursuit? This year’s five awardees—Tsai Wan-Shuen, Chang Po-Chih, Lin Jiun-Ting, Lin Chi-Wei and Wu Chi-Tsung—pursue their individual artistic concepts by utilizing and combining different technological media, equipment and software to present images, spaces and atmospheres that are each like modern technological poems. The fascinating content and interactive nature of each work draw the audience into the artist’s poetic environment, which contains stories, scenery, dreamscapes, deja vu or other visual phenomena. New media art is both futuristic and poetic, and in the same way that poetry is the crystallization of language, new media art embodies the spirit of contemporary art and affords the possibility of poetic wandering.
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