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Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts

Space and Facilities
Information Counter
If you want to know more about the information of the KdMoFA exhibition schedule, welcome to the information counter for related publicity leaflets in the 4th floor lobby.
Want a relaxing visit in the KdMoFa? Please make use of the 4th floor locker service to place your belongings.
Information Counter
If you want to know more about the information of the KdMoFA exhibition schedule, welcome to the information counter for related publicity leaflets in the 4th floor lobby.
Want a relaxing visit in the KdMoFa? Please make use of the 4th floor locker service to place your belongings.
Guided Tours
Barrier Free Facilities and Baby Room
Worry about understanding the art works? We provide you the most wonderful guided tours by well-trained museum docents. You are welcome to apply by filling and handing in the 「Group Visit Guided Tours Application Forms」 to the Museum Educational Department 5 to 10 days before the visit.
The KdMoFA is a caring place. At the 4th floor entrance a barrier free access ramp for wheel chair users is provided. On the 1st and 2nd floors, barrier free lavatories as well as breast feeding and baby caring facilities are also provided.
Guided Tours
Worry about understanding the art works? We provide you the most wonderful guided tours by well-trained museum docents. You are welcome to apply by filling and handing in the 「Group Visit Guided Tours Application Forms」 to the Museum Educational Department 5 to 10 days before the visit.
Barrier Free Facilities and Baby Room
The KdMoFA is a caring place. At the 4th floor entrance a barrier free access ramp for wheel chair users is provided. On the 1st and 2nd floors, barrier free lavatories as well as breast feeding and baby caring facilities are also provided.