Mimetic Animat
09:00 - 17:00
Date:2017年10月31日 (Tue.) Venue: SPACE 1 1/2, KdMoFA 《Introduction》 To study the wonderful changes in Life, the exploration of life mechanisms hidden behind biological operations sometimes uses either artificial methods based on the simulation of virtual computer worlds or relies on the construction of mechanical and biomimetic physical entities. This stream of research led to the creation of a new discipline called "Artificial Life". Inspired by researches on Artificial Life, student-artists of University Paris 8 created Automated Animals, also called Animats, by assembling electronic components that perform motor functions or enable communication mechanisms. The exhibition
Mimetic Animat” presents 3 of these animats: The Living Limulustone, looking like a living fossil horseshoe crab, that wags, swags and crawls while singing; an Artificial Butterfly with flapping wings; and a pair of Love Animats playfully chasing themselves in an endless love dance. Within Nature, the behavior of marine, terrestrial or flying animals comes from an environmental adaptation resulting from Evolution, drifting them to give rise to different species; however, the morphology of each species limits, in return, the ability of their mechanical movements. The original design of these mimetic animats comes from the importance given to observation and creation in research & development, around the relations between the morphological forms and their motor and communication functions.
Date:2017年10月31日 (Tue.) Venue: SPACE 1 1/2, KdMoFA 《Introduction》 To study the wonderful changes in Life, the exploration of life mechanisms hidden behind biological operations sometimes uses either artificial methods based on the simulation of virtual computer worlds or relies on the construction of mechanical and biomimetic physical entities. This stream of research led to the creation of a new discipline called "Artificial Life". Inspired by researches on Artificial Life, student-artists of University Paris 8 created Automated Animals, also called Animats, by assembling electronic components that perform motor functions or enable communication mechanisms. The exhibition
Mimetic Animat” presents 3 of these animats: The Living Limulustone, looking like a living fossil horseshoe crab, that wags, swags and crawls while singing; an Artificial Butterfly with flapping wings; and a pair of Love Animats playfully chasing themselves in an endless love dance. Within Nature, the behavior of marine, terrestrial or flying animals comes from an environmental adaptation resulting from Evolution, drifting them to give rise to different species; however, the morphology of each species limits, in return, the ability of their mechanical movements. The original design of these mimetic animats comes from the importance given to observation and creation in research & development, around the relations between the morphological forms and their motor and communication functions.
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