The world of fairy tales
09:00 - 17:00
The artist uses both hands to weave the threads of hemp then create a sentimental space involved personal emotion. Weaving the threads to shape the art works into various giant plants、 then dye and construct themselves. This installation brings the audiences to the realm of fantasy, it almost feels like to enter the world of fairy tales. Every art work presents colourful and magnific shapes to guide the imaginative energy of consciousness, also into the poetic realm of fantasy. This work is installed a inner space to reveal a childhood playground we used to be familiar with. Although the time goes by quickly, everyone can still maintain a secret garden in mind and to sense this colourful garden through the imaginative infections and extensible memories.
The artist uses both hands to weave the threads of hemp then create a sentimental space involved personal emotion. Weaving the threads to shape the art works into various giant plants、 then dye and construct themselves. This installation brings the audiences to the realm of fantasy, it almost feels like to enter the world of fairy tales. Every art work presents colourful and magnific shapes to guide the imaginative energy of consciousness, also into the poetic realm of fantasy. This work is installed a inner space to reveal a childhood playground we used to be familiar with. Although the time goes by quickly, everyone can still maintain a secret garden in mind and to sense this colourful garden through the imaginative infections and extensible memories.
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