Lost Horizon
09:00 - 17:00
Kay H. Lin is an abstract painter. Her technically rich and spiritually engaging works take their place as a unique voice that crosses boundaries to unite Western and Eastern influences. Ms. Lin’s paintings capture an ongoing dialogue between the Eastern aesthetic sensibilities of her classical training and modern Western abstraction. Thematically, Ms. Lin’s works are like poetry, at the interface of thought and emotion exploring logic, creation, life and inspiration. A distinctive visual language demonstrates an adept touch with color and a fully developed command of materials. Ms. Lin's artwork re-interprets the feeling and philosophy of life with musical rhythm and melody, as a form of poetry.
Kay H. Lin is an abstract painter. Her technically rich and spiritually engaging works take their place as a unique voice that crosses boundaries to unite Western and Eastern influences. Ms. Lin’s paintings capture an ongoing dialogue between the Eastern aesthetic sensibilities of her classical training and modern Western abstraction. Thematically, Ms. Lin’s works are like poetry, at the interface of thought and emotion exploring logic, creation, life and inspiration. A distinctive visual language demonstrates an adept touch with color and a fully developed command of materials. Ms. Lin's artwork re-interprets the feeling and philosophy of life with musical rhythm and melody, as a form of poetry.
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