10/23(Wed) work shop of Korean Artist Jeon,heekyoung
Post Date 2013.10.19
Event Date _ 2013/10/23
Event Price _ Free
Venue:3F Multi Media Room

Jeikei was born in 1981, in Seoul, Republic of Korea. She lives and works in Seoul. She has graduated from Sunhwa art high school and completed her bachelor degree and master degree at Hongik University.

Her walks usually talk about utopia what is not excited in real life, but somehow audiences wish to enter it through her paintings, drawings and objects. In Jeikei’s opinion, utopia is made by human desire and is in an abstract space between ideal (desire) and reality which gives human a willing to survive in rough reality.
Venue:3F Multi Media Room

Jeikei was born in 1981, in Seoul, Republic of Korea. She lives and works in Seoul. She has graduated from Sunhwa art high school and completed her bachelor degree and master degree at Hongik University.

Her walks usually talk about utopia what is not excited in real life, but somehow audiences wish to enter it through her paintings, drawings and objects. In Jeikei’s opinion, utopia is made by human desire and is in an abstract space between ideal (desire) and reality which gives human a willing to survive in rough reality.
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