10/17(Wed)7:30pm KD Museum Goes Late -“Asia?” Film Screening
Post Date 2018.10.11
Event Date _ 2018/10/17 7:30pm
Event Price _ Free
Date: 2018/10/17 7:30pm

Venue: 301 Gallery Space

“Asia?” Film Screening

The Fantasy of Deer Warrior(1961)shoot in the times of White Terror Taiwan(1961), It is a comic played by real person, shot by Zhang Ying(張英),who later found Taiwanese Film Festival which later become The Golden Horse and a mainlander film maker staying in Taiwan for the retreat of KMT. The Film, shot in the now defunct Children park in Beitou and Xin Beitou, was a postmodern pastiche, which collaged sequences of Aesop’s Fables and Grimm’s Fairy Tales such as“ The Wolf Is Coming,” “7 Little Goats,” and “Little Red Riding Hood.” It is a traverse of fantasy in the Cold War with militant White Terror to the international world and reference to Capitalism Disney. The Protagonist named after Formosan Deer can be seen as an political allegory in the name of Taiwan.
Date: 2018/10/17 7:30pm

Venue: 301 Gallery Space

“Asia?” Film Screening

The Fantasy of Deer Warrior(1961)shoot in the times of White Terror Taiwan(1961), It is a comic played by real person, shot by Zhang Ying(張英),who later found Taiwanese Film Festival which later become The Golden Horse and a mainlander film maker staying in Taiwan for the retreat of KMT. The Film, shot in the now defunct Children park in Beitou and Xin Beitou, was a postmodern pastiche, which collaged sequences of Aesop’s Fables and Grimm’s Fairy Tales such as“ The Wolf Is Coming,” “7 Little Goats,” and “Little Red Riding Hood.” It is a traverse of fantasy in the Cold War with militant White Terror to the international world and reference to Capitalism Disney. The Protagonist named after Formosan Deer can be seen as an political allegory in the name of Taiwan.
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