娜塔莉 安裘絲
Nathalie Anglès
United States
Nathalie Anglès United State Since 2009, Nathalie Anglès is co-founder and Executive Director of Residency Unlimited (RU). RU is a New York based non profit arts organization that fosters customised residencies for artists and curators through strategic partnerships with collaborating institutions. Until now, RU has hosted residencies for close to 100 artists and curators from all over the world. Residency Unlimited (RU)website is www.residencyunlimited.org

United States
Nathalie Anglès United State Since 2009, Nathalie Anglès is co-founder and Executive Director of Residency Unlimited (RU). RU is a New York based non profit arts organization that fosters customised residencies for artists and curators through strategic partnerships with collaborating institutions. Until now, RU has hosted residencies for close to 100 artists and curators from all over the world. Residency Unlimited (RU)website is www.residencyunlimited.org

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