JAK lives and works in Stuttgart and Berlin, Germany, and has studied art at the Dong A University in Busan (Korea) and at the Staten Academy of fine Arts in Stuttgart. JAK reflects interpretations of reality and constructions of phantasy. His work sets the idea that the rational thinking and observation, that know only one substantiality, against the awareness, that reality and substantiality are not synonymous. The artistic works and story lines in JAK are willfully linked by the reader on a semiotic paper chase. The artworks has showed at the Kate Shin Gallery, NY and upcoming in September at the Moving Triennale_made in Busan. During the residency, JAK works on the scenario “Soul Blindness“. Parallel to the writing process he creates scenic acrylic paintings, which are installed in small stage settings. It develops a pool of ideas and observations.

Artist Talk | 2014.09.10 (Wed.),13:30 (Multimedia Room)

Workshop | 2014.09.17(Wed.) ,13:30 (Multimedia Room)

Exhibition Date | 2014.09.26~10.05 (1 1/2F Gallery)
JAK lives and works in Stuttgart and Berlin, Germany, and has studied art at the Dong A University in Busan (Korea) and at the Staten Academy of fine Arts in Stuttgart. JAK reflects interpretations of reality and constructions of phantasy. His work sets the idea that the rational thinking and observation, that know only one substantiality, against the awareness, that reality and substantiality are not synonymous. The artistic works and story lines in JAK are willfully linked by the reader on a semiotic paper chase. The artworks has showed at the Kate Shin Gallery, NY and upcoming in September at the Moving Triennale_made in Busan. During the residency, JAK works on the scenario “Soul Blindness“. Parallel to the writing process he creates scenic acrylic paintings, which are installed in small stage settings. It develops a pool of ideas and observations.

Artist Talk | 2014.09.10 (Wed.),13:30 (Multimedia Room)

Workshop | 2014.09.17(Wed.) ,13:30 (Multimedia Room)

Exhibition Date | 2014.09.26~10.05 (1 1/2F Gallery)
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