Benjamin Duke
United States
Benjamin duke’s paintings and drawings focus on the intersection of culture asking questions about identity and discovery in the age of hybrids. “Through my work I aim to short-circuit visual expectations as a metaphor for“awakening,”or reconsidering broader knowledge systems. Like identity, Knowing is context dependant and so in my paintings I include narratives, spaces and imagery that doesn’t fit, that challenge the expected logic of the painting. This methodology of interruption shapes a visual poetics that examines identity, the social body, sense of place, how we account for an ever-shifting context and how that impacts the possibilities of self-realization.”

Open Studio | 2010/ 01/ 16 & 01/ 23

Artist Talk | 2010/ 01/ 20(Wed) 2-3pm
United States
Benjamin duke’s paintings and drawings focus on the intersection of culture asking questions about identity and discovery in the age of hybrids. “Through my work I aim to short-circuit visual expectations as a metaphor for“awakening,”or reconsidering broader knowledge systems. Like identity, Knowing is context dependant and so in my paintings I include narratives, spaces and imagery that doesn’t fit, that challenge the expected logic of the painting. This methodology of interruption shapes a visual poetics that examines identity, the social body, sense of place, how we account for an ever-shifting context and how that impacts the possibilities of self-realization.”

Open Studio | 2010/ 01/ 16 & 01/ 23

Artist Talk | 2010/ 01/ 20(Wed) 2-3pm
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